Sexpectations vs Reality: As Told Through Gifs

When it comes to getting it on, we all have our own preconceived notions of how smoothly everything will play out. We'll be effortlessly sexy, our partner will definitely have the upper body strength to support us and chemistry will do the rest. But if you've ever found yourself standing dry and cold in what is supposed to be a steamy, hot shower sex sesh than you know it just doesn't always play out like that. Here we've laid out the expectations vs reality of many common sex situations *and* some pro tips to fix them.
Helpful tip: Put the water flow right between you so no one person gets the majority share. Opt in for some foreplay while you're both in the shower and take the main event to the bedroom. Also, lay a towel down on the bottom of the shower. Yes, it's going to get completely wet but it'll help provide a little bit of traction for you both and make the whole situation a lot safer if you do brave some actual positions.
Quick fix: Communication is everything. Talking out what you'd like to do in bed is always a great idea to affirm comfort levels, establish consent and it's great foreplay. This is super helpful when there's two people involved and when there's three? Crucial! For foreplay, talk through who would like to do what to whom. Player 1 wants to make out with player 3 while player 2 goes down on them? Cool. Chat it out and you won't find yourself feeling like some sort of Christina looking on as Britney and Madonna make VMA history.
Pro tip: Yea, instruction manuals aren't the sexiest but they're super helpful for getting the most out of your new toy. Read the instructions, make sure it's fully charged and see how it works before you're in the heat of the moment.
Pro tip: Invest in a little production value. Maybe an iphone stand or a simple tripod. Make sure the lighting is good and mayyyyybe consider a little music in the background because if you think you hate the way you sound on your voicemail recording, wait until you hear yourself having sex. And just remember, one day, you're going to be blown away by how hot, energetic and limber you were, so own it.
The universal pro tip for all things sex- solo or partnered? Know that there is no perfect sex. No one ever achieved an orgasm through flawless execution. It happens through trial, error, correction, and persistence. Relax, be safe and stay open minded because you never know when the unexpected might lead to something rlllllly good.