We asked, you shared: Unbound's Election & Sex Survey

Decades from now, historians will tell the tale of how all citizens across the United States came together in 2016, united in a single mission as a country: get this bursting thundershit of an general election over with. No matter who your candidate was, your first choice was probably to move on and never mention this rotting goblin of a year again. Sure, even ideologically compatible people became enemies, and yes, of course we avoided our older family members like the plague but deep down, we were really just hoping 2016 would slide into a more forgiving, softer 2017 in which less of our favorite celebrities would die (RIP CARRIE FISHER).
That…didn’t really happen at all. It got worse (RIP TOM PETTY).
For the majority of people in this country (65,844,610 ppl tbh), the election did not turn out how they had hoped. Waking up that next day hurt. The feeling of watching a self confessed sexual predator sworn into the presidency hurt. But something sort of changed in us as well. We've marched together in the streets, we’ve put our congressional reps on speed dial, we’ve thrown open the doors to confront the issue of workplace harassment in a way I am not sure we would have if the election had gone the other way.

With all these changes to our routine, our political engagement and our society, we were curious: is everyone still getting laid? If you’re scrolling through your Twitter feed while laying in bed, are you making time for pleasure with your partner or yourself? If you’re unsure whether or not your Tinder date is one of the 63% of white men or 53% of white women who voted for Trump, are you still going to hook up afterwards without that confirmation? And who among us hasn’t felt that deep chilling feeling when someone we know or admire declares their support for the president. These experiences weigh on us and they can make us feel like we’re not up to our normal routines.
So we asked you: what's changed for you since the election and how are you doing now? We also left a small field where respondents could tell us in their own words what's on their mind as we approach the one year anniversary. You'll see those quotes throughout this piece as well. We learned that many of our relationships have changed- even our own personal well being has changed. We also saw that some of our habits in the bedroom are remaining the same. It may feel like the world is a news cycle away from spinning off its axis but maybe we're doing a little better than we're giving ourselves credit for.
Here's the highlights of what we learned and the full results below. Thank you to all who answered and shared with us.
5 out of 10 reported feeling an impact with their relationships (dating or committed).
4 our of 10 respondents felt an impact on their friendships.
34% of respondents said they’ve had less sex since the 2016 election.
44% of people said that they have the same masturbation habits now as they did last year.
17% of people said that their partners political views now matter to them whereas it did not before.