Jolt: Breaking Down Our Stimulating Gel

We’re big fans of Jolt, our water-based stimulating gel that boosts sensation in the applied area using organic extracts, peppermint oil, natural damiana, L-Arginine, and L-Ornithine. In our opinion, Jolt is better experienced than described, but it’s hard to commit to a full bottle of the stuff if you’re not sure what exactly it’ll be like. We’ve combed and compiled our reviews to get you as close to “trying” before buying.
By the numbers
60 reviews mentioned “spice” and described Jolt Gel’s sensation as “warm” …
While 75 reviews described it as “minty” and “cooling”
And 74 reviews mentioned Jolt Gel providing a “tingle” with a positive sentiment.
While people have their own ways of describing what Jolt Gel feels like, we can draw the conclusion that it made them feel really good regardless if they thought it was “cool” or “warm” — with 169 reviews mentioning “love”!
An overwhelming 49 reviews mentioned using Jolt with Puff, with honorable toy mentions also going to: Bender (9 mentions), Ollie (4 mentions), Zip (4 mentions), Stellar (3 mentions), and Gemini (2 mentions)
"I love this gel. Please don't ever change the formula because this is orgasmic gold. I'm even gonna share a couple of my foils with my peeps, because they need these in their lives! I've used this with Ollie which was really fun. I've also used this with Puff and Stellar when I used them together. Fireworks. LOVE IT. Thx Unbound" — L
Reviewers who self-identified as Sensitive rated Jolt Gel an average of 4.5 Stars
Notable reviews from Sensitive reviewers
“I am chomping at the bits to get my hands on a bottle of this gel that is exciting yet not crazy harmful to my sensitive areas. A little does go a long way but even if you have to use more, it doesn't hurt. Like, literally. It doesn't hurt. I am sensitive to even the gentlest of lubes and when using my tried and [mostly] true lube, I'll still get some pain if applied mid-sex. I guess it's the mint or something, but this has a cooling and soothing effect. And yet somehow, it stimulates in just the right way. So good. I am so happy I found this stuff because it has added that little bit of extra pizazz to heighten the good feelings. Obviously, everybody is different, but for me, someone who has nerve/pain issues, it has been only helpful. Highly recommend.” — T.A.
“i struggle with endo/potentially ovarian cysts and sex can sometimes be painful, but i feel this helped me relax and enjoy the sensations more. i used it in combination with the pep toy and a partner and the sex was noticeably more comfortable and enjoyable. pelvic floor muscles were so relaxed i might use it every time now”— Bee
“I have sensory processing disorder and very sensitive skin—to the point that I gave up on trying to find a shampoo that doesn't make me itchy and instead rely on Dr. Bronner's—so I was a bit nervous that Jolt wouldn't be a good match for me. I decided to try it anyway because of Unbound's phenomenal refund policy. I was far from disappointed: The smell is pleasant and subtle, and it has a nice texture that doesn't get too sticky.
Jolt is a total game-changer for me. The tingly sensation is strong enough to make a big difference without being too intense. If you're on SSRIs, you know how challenging it can be to cum. I bought Puff, Stellar, and Jolt together, and they're what finally gave me that elusive, toe-curling, teary-eyed climax. My god. I absolutely recommend adding Jolt to your arsenal.” —Sydney M.
"I like that it's an actual gel, rather than something more liquid. It made it easy to control the amount I was using. The tingly sensation began pretty quickly, and felt wonderful when paired with Puff. I plan on trying it on other body parts soon. I also like that it didn't stick around past the time that I was finished. This is now going to be a staple in my intimate accessories." — Marisa
Notable reviews from Reviewers with Low Sensitivity
"I have very low sensitivity, which can make masturbating hard. Jolt gel works really well to get me pleasantly sensitive for a decent amount of time (~20 mins) without being overwhelming." — Wren
"i need a lot of lubrication help due to the medications i’m on, and this one is the best i’ve tried, i love the temperature sensations and it helps things along!" — Amy
"as someone with a chronic illness that causes me to feel lesser nerve sensations at times, this gel makes me feel all sorts of ways. it makes you feel all tingly and extra pleasurable! the only thing is that it smells strongly of mint and i know some people don’t like that." — Sydney
"I’ve always been really frustrated that my clit just..isn’t that sensitive. Tens of thousands of nerve endings and Anyways the minute I started using the jolt gel I was amazed. The effect is instantaneous and so satisfying, and the peppermint leaves a really pleasant cooling sensation that’s feels great. I feel like it’s increased sensitivity for me too! Perfect for some me time, but I can’t wait to use this with my partner after quarantine!" — Belle R
"as someone currently on an ssri, my libido is constantly in flux and the jolt gel is an amazing workaround for that. couldn't recommend it more!" —Kendi