Our Favorite Feminist Porn

Back in the 70s, feminist theorist Laura Mulvey came up with a concept we all know and love: the male gaze. It was this crazy idea that women are always “looked at and displayed” for the male spectator’s pleasure–particularly in cinematic production.
Feminist porn promotes a sex-positive sphere for women to reclaim the narrative around female sexuality and establish a higher standard for what sex is and should be. In feminist porn, actors are paid fairly, and consent is a crucial component in production. Feminist porn further aligns with ethical production by practicing intersectionality: it represents marginalized groups without fetishizing them. Both the audience and the participants enter and leave the space empowered. And worth noting that, yes, a lot of feminist porn sites and studios do have a membership or pay per view model. This is the price we (happily) pay to know that performers are being treated and appropriately compensated. Here's our round-up of some of the best spots for feminist porn.
Let's start with membership-based sites!
Indie Porn Revolution
“Subversive smut created by ladies, artists, and queers.”
One of the oldest queer porn production companies, Indie Porn Revolution, is a pioneering platform for exploring sex beyond the gender binary. It offers an all-inclusive cast, with options ranging from queer BDSM to ballet. It’s one of our favorites.
CrashPadSeries also offers queer porn with a variety of sexual orientations, gender identities, sizes, shapes, ages, disabilities, and more. The actors have agency over whatever they choose to do on camera, so in turn, it is common for viewers to see them practicing safe sex and open communication. Fan-flippin-tastic, right?
Non-Membership Based
Lady Cheeky
Hailed as the NUMBER ONE(!!) porn site for women, Lady Cheeky is a Tumblr-style page with “curated sensual images and gifs that depict palpable desire, unbridled passion, and body positive eroticism.”
Pink Label TV
Pink Label TV has a free option for access to a plethora of feminist porn. It even has a section called “The Feminist Porn Gaze!” Payments for one-off rentals go to the film’s production company, so they can continue to make these beautiful films.
Feminist Porn Reviews
This site is a blog dedicated to reviewing porn films, so you don’t have to sit through twenty minutes or so of one with any concern! The site also has the reviews categorized by production companies and directors.
Mulvey, Laura. "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." Feminisms (1975): 438-48. Web
Hirschfeld, M. Sexual Anomalies, And Perversions: Physical And Psychological Development, Diagnosis And Treatment. London: Encyclopaedic Press. 1938. Print.
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