How to Give Good Gift: Love Languages Edition

One of the chats we have the most in our dm's and customer service chat box is questions about gift-giving. While you may not find the concept of the five love languages to be a flawless foundational text in understanding your partner, it can be a helpful framework for gift-giving. So here are our tips and giving the best gifts.
First, let's level set, the universal rules of gift-giving are as follows:
- Most people give the kind of gifts they wish to receive. It's not very scientific, but it's helpful when you're in decision mode. And while we're here: Ya know that friend or family member that *always* sends Valentines or holiday cards? We promise it will be worth the herculean effort to obtain a single postage stamp and send them a Valentine's or holiday card.
- If you are bad at giving gifts, get good at taking hints. Start here: open your notes app right now and write down the top 10 most important people in your life. Now, when speaking to these people or hanging out at their place, take note of the things they mention they need or want. This will make holidays and other important dates like birthdays or anniversaries 99% easier. When you present a gift, you're also showing them you listen.
- Don't give a task when you mean to give a gift. Make sure you clear the runway for the recipient to enjoy the present. Giving flowers? Cut the stems yourself and arrange them in a vase. Giving a kitchen gadget? Swing by the grocery store and get some ingredients to get them started. Getting them a wallet? Fill it with gift cards valued at over $1,000 a piece. jk on that last one unless you're buying it for us.
- Make the person feel seen and worthy of celebration. It really isn't about money spent; it's about communicating that you find the person worthy of your attention and time. Especially when presenting something a bit saucier, be sure to pick something that will further *their* pleasure first.
Ok, and now let's get down to it:
Words of affirmation = truth or dare cards
If your partner falls into the "words of affirmation" category, remember that it's not just kind words that count as the gift here. Our Truth or Dare cards are a great way to prompt deeper conversations about affirming this person in your life and desire.
Quality time = Ollie, Bender, Jelly
At first glance, you might find yourself giving side-eye to the idea of a vibrator being an excellent example of a "quality time" gift but hear us out: trying out something new together *is* quality time. There's something so fun about unboxing a vibe, turning it on for the first time, cycling through the speeds and patterns, and getting down to business. Exploring that with a partner can be a great bonding experience.
Physical touch = Tsk, Gem, Spike
We recommend our favorite tools for tactile exploration for those who crave physical touch. Take your time with each item- slowly tracing lines and shapes on your partner's body. Play around with Tsk's different ends. Dip your Gem in warm or cold water for a few minutes to introduce some temperature play into the mix. Start with Spike in more...meaty areas like the bum or thighs, and then work your way into more sensitive spots.
Acts of service = Orion, Tether
Introducing a saucy power dynamic can be an enjoyable way to put "acts of service" into play. Our Orion restraint set is a great way to serve your partner and give them your full attention. Remember, communication is critical, so check-in and make sure everyone is having a good time.
Receiving gifts = All Good Puff, Booty Nights
Here's a shout-out to the people who like to be lavished with good stuff. If receiving gifts is your partner's love language, then be sure to refer to the baseline stuff up top, and while we're at it, be sure to be timely with your gifts. The fun part about gifting this love language is that you can have some serious fun with it. Snag one of our gift sets and create a mini treasure hunt for your partner to find different products throughout the house or bedroom.